7 Winning Video Interview Tips That Will Land You the Job

Last year marked a significant shift toward remote work, and for job seekers, that meant adapting to remote interviews, too. Employees may slowly transition back into the office, but for candidates and hiring managers, a beginning-to-end remote hiring process may be here to stay.
In fact, 71% of businesses have integrated some degree of remote hiring, and 70% of talent professionals say virtual recruiting will become the new standard.
In this article, we'll share seven tips to help you nail your next video interview and secure the job.
1. Lighting
A backlit subject with a moody ambiance will likely not set a positive tone for your virtual interview. Prioritize creating a well-lit space when you hop on camera, as quality lighting is key to making you appear engaged and inviting. Avoid sitting with a light source, like a window, behind you - this will turn you into an indiscernible silhouette.
Instead, sit with the light source in front of you so your face is illuminated. If you don't have access to a well-lit window, try this: place two light sources, like desk lamps, facing a blank wall in front of you. The light will reflect off the wall and illuminate you without causing overexposure.
2. Quiet Zone
As work from home has become more normalized, background noise associated with home life, like children or pets, is more readily excused. Although hiring managers may look beyond these sounds, it's best to find a quiet location to limit disruptions. If you live in a bustling city, keep your windows closed to muffle the street noise.
When an unexpected sound is raucous, continuous, or out of your control, don't shy away from using the mute button, either. However, be mindful of the disconnect mute can cause between you and the interviewer. The delay from the time it takes to unmute yourself and continue the conversation may result in a gap of awkward silence.
Be transparent with the interviewer, apologize if an unexpected noise causes a disturbance, and carry on.
3. Wear Headphones

Wearing headphones or earbuds is an effective way to quiet unwanted background noise and keep the focus on your voice. They help to eliminate unpleasant feedback or an echo that the interviewer may experience on the receiving end. Be careful with wired headphones, though. Hitting a dangling wire can cause extra noise and annoyance for those listening.
Although we give a thumbs up to wearing headphones during your interview, some interviewers may think differently. Check with the hiring manager, especially if your call is for a technical test or skills assessment. There may be a rule in place regarding the use of headphones as a way to prevent cheating.
4. Use a Clean Background
When it comes to deciding where to set up for your interview, keep the background in mind. A clean and light solid-colored wall can serve as a great distraction-free backdrop. If you're not sure where to set up, consider a virtual background offered through the video conferencing app.
Some of these effects can be finicky, though - if you're too far away from the camera, you risk disappearing from the shot completely. Test this before your call.
5. Test Your Technology
When preparing for an interview, the last thing you need to worry about is whether or not your technology will cooperate. Have all the necessary programs downloaded to your computer in advance, and do an interview run-through.
Camera or audio not detected? Don't fret.
Sometimes platforms have trouble finding the computer's hardware. Check your connection in the settings of your computer and the program itself.
Ensure your internet connection is stable, and consider hardwiring your computer with an ethernet cord to avoid any disruptions caused by Wi-Fi.
You'll want to make sure your computer is adequately charged to last the entire length of your call, too. Play it safe, and keep your computer plugged into the charger. This will be one less thing to worry about during your interview.
6. Frame Like a Pro
You may be surprised to learn that the way you frame yourself in the video is important because it sets the tone of the conversation. Avoid looking down into the camera. Not only are low angles often unflattering, but psychologically, it makes the subject appear overly powerful. The viewer is more likely to interpret this posture as overtly authoritative or domineering.
You may think a power position is perfect for an interview, but what will help you form a stronger connection with the interviewer is to present yourself as inviting, confident, and human. To achieve this, position the camera at or slightly above eye level.
Be mindful of where you set up your camera and your eye line. Always remember to maintain eye contact and good posture.
7. Dress Appropriately from Head to Toe

Remote work may have given rise to a waist-up dress code, but consider dressing professionally from head to toe if you're trying to land a job. If you need to stand up, revealing your lower half in casual wear will not make a good impression. Besides, dressing the part is a great way to boost your confidence and get you in the interview-ready mindset.
Just like an in-person interview, come prepared, have your resume in front of you, maintain eye contact, and don't forget to follow up with the hiring manager after your interview. For more job candidate tips or help advancing your career, submit your resume to a FrankCrum Staffing recruiter here.